Docket: #18-956
Section 101 (copyrightability of computer software)
Section 102 (exceptions to copyrightability, specifically “method of operation”)
Section 107 (standard fair use considerations)
Section 117 (specific exceptions to software copyrightability)
Section 302 (duration of copyright)
Rule 39 (option for a jury trial)
Rule 50 (appellate review of matter of law)
Baker (merger doctrine)
Altai (lower court standards for APIs)
CONTU Report (fair use)
Harper (fair use, standard of review)
Stewart (fair use)
Seventh Amendment (relationship of courts and juries with respect to facts)
Liberty Lobby (standard of review under summary judgement, and hence rule 50)
Google’s argument:
Oracle’s argument:
US Government’s argument:
Google’s rebuttal: